Mobile scanning systems help to scan and register data from moving objects/platforms such as trains, cars, busses, boats, etc. Generally, mobile scanning systems are supplemented by attitude and position sensors (video, laser range, positioning, orientation, etc). IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) and GPS (Global Positioning System) are some examples of these sensors.
Mobile scanning systems help to overcome many limitations of radial laser scanning. Mobile scanning systems can digitalize 3-D (three dimensional) models of real world terrain. In order to make this workout a combination of sensors is placed on a mobile platform which is in motion against the target terrain that needs to be digitized. These sensors result cause data fusion that constructs an accurate 3 D model of the target terrain.
The efficiency of a mobile scanning system can be measured in terms of the speed and quality (accuracy, resolution, etc) in construction of the 3D data. Recently released Riegl’s VMX-250 can collect 600,000 measurements per second.
Mobile scanning systems are generally used in mapping of waterways, railroads, highways, etc. It can also in mapping out open put mines, construction sites, etc.
Mobile scanning systems help to overcome many limitations of radial laser scanning. Mobile scanning systems can digitalize 3-D (three dimensional) models of real world terrain. In order to make this workout a combination of sensors is placed on a mobile platform which is in motion against the target terrain that needs to be digitized. These sensors result cause data fusion that constructs an accurate 3 D model of the target terrain.
The efficiency of a mobile scanning system can be measured in terms of the speed and quality (accuracy, resolution, etc) in construction of the 3D data. Recently released Riegl’s VMX-250 can collect 600,000 measurements per second.
Mobile scanning systems are generally used in mapping of waterways, railroads, highways, etc. It can also in mapping out open put mines, construction sites, etc.