Saturday, August 27, 2011

Infrared Heaters Cover Larger Heating Area

Infrared heaters are the heaters which produce the heat with infrared rays. Like visible light waves, these waves also fall on the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared rays generally pass through the air without emitting any heat and then get absorbed by the compound they hit. This compound then gets heated up due to the slight radiation of the waves and their reaction with the compound's molecules.

There are two types of infrared heaters: gas and electric powered. The gas powered heaters can heat a large area and are generally used in warehouses or other large open spaces. Most often, you will be using an electric powered heater for home or office use as these are best for smaller spaces. Whether the heater is powered by gas or electricity, both work on the same basic principle.

When the internal coils of the machine receive power, the molecules in them begin to vibrate and spin. This causes the heater to emit infrared waves. The waves move through the room and begin to heat an object they strike. The waves, however, don't heat the air in the room.

There are several advantages of using the infrared heaters. The first and best advantage is the energy cost. Since you are not trying to raise the ambient room temperature with the heater, there is less energy used to produce desired results. In case of other heaters, you will continually need to pump warm air into the lower areas of the building as the hot air rises. This doesn't happen with an infrared heater because the waves travel in a straight line until they hit something. This form of heating is not dependent on air movement.

Friday, August 26, 2011

HVAC System is a Dynamic Integration

Due to the lack of integration in the design process, the buildings are very costly to build, costly to cool and are less comfortable. Due to this situation, HVAC systems are being imposed on building rather than being integrated into them. Previously, HVAC systems are selected and sized according to the minimum code requirements and maximum design loads. These poorly selected vastly oversized systems are costing building owners billions of dollars.

The architects are using the holistic and dynamic nature of building as the foundation and creating a passive energy design. The dynamic nature of HVAC system helps in getting integrated as a part of whole design process even in above types of buildings. Due to this feature of HVAC systems, the architects are totally neglecting the basic principles of building science.

Dynamic integration of HVAC systems ensure that these systems are designed and sized correctly as per the appropriate criteria. These systems promote environmental performance and increase the occupant's satisfaction.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Know How to Plan an Eco Friendly Party

Today, the earth is being polluted mostly by the human waste. We are using maximum of the things which are not nature friendly and which take years and years to degrade completely. In this situation it is a very nice idea to arrange a party with all the nature friendly things so that our party won't effect the environment.
  • In general the party starts with an invitation. So, start you eco friendly theme with these things itself. Anyways we naturally print invitations on paper cards and they are nature friendly. However, one thing I would like to include here is write a small note at the end of the card saying that you are planning to have an eco friendly party and ask the guests to bring the gifts wrapped only in paper.
  • Next, coming to the decoration part, use the things which are made of paper and naturally dyed. Avoid the things which involve some plastic material and other unnatural things which are not eco friendly. If you are serious about the theme, avoid even the balloons which are also not natural. If possible make some crafts at home using papers and insert some glow sticks in to them. They look brilliant, since they serve the purpose as well as give better look for your party.
  • Now coming to the things in which food and drinks are served. Use all the paper made plates and glasses, so that they are less expensive and nature friendly too. Avoid all the plastic plates and the plastic disposable glasses, which are not degradable.
  • Finally the party favors, even though you want to choose a party favor of your choice, avoid giving them in plastic bags and pouches. Use hand made paper bags to give your favors. If possible try to put some eco friendly wooden toys as party favors.

Keeping very little things in mind, while planning an eco friendly party. This will make your theme and party successful. In this way you are creating a fun filled environment along with nature friendly atmosphere.