Manual transmission cars allow the driver to change the gears manually. The driver can change the gears as per the driving speed. While changing the gears the driver has to use clutch pedal. In automatic transmission cars the gears are changed automatically based on vehicle speed. There is no clutch pedal in automatic transmission cars. Clutch plate mechanism is replaced with hydraulic torque converter.
Costs: Manual transmission is cheaper than automatic transmission cars. Manual transmissions requires less service, the maintenance cost is also lower than the automatic transmission.
Maintenance: Maintenance costs for automatic transmission is high, whereas the maintenance cost for manual transmission cars is comparatively less. In manual transmission the lubricants needs to be change periodically. But in automatic transmission cars there is no need to replace fluids.
Fuel efficiency: Fuel efficiency for manual based transmission system is lower. The clutch system consumes low energy. Automatic transmission system is based on hydraulic torque converter, it consumes more energy than the clutch system.
Driving skills: In manual transmission system the driver should coordinate with the vehicle speed, clutch and gears. It will take some time to get habituate. In automatic transmission, the driver needs less skill when compared to manual transmission. There is no need of coordination among clutch, vehicle speed and gears. Just needs to operate with accelerator, brake and steering.
Breakdown costs: Automatic transmission system is more complex than the manual transmission system. The breakdown costs for automatic transmission system is higher than the manual transmission system.
Comfort: Manual transmission system needs driver's more concentration to operate the clutch and gears manually. In case of automatic transmission, there is no need to operate clutch and gears. Automatic transmission system is more comfortable as there is no need to change the gears and speed.
Sporty: Manual transmission system needs the coordination between clutch and gears as per vehicle speed. So it will give more sporty thrill than the automatic transmission.
Control: The freedom of changing the gears and controlling the car is in drivers hand in manual transmission. But in case of automatic transmission driving, the decision and the control is made by the hydraulic torque converter.
If you are looking for thrill while driving, fuel efficiency and maintenance cost then better to go for a manual transmission car. If you don't want the pain to change the gears every now and then and looking for comfort and luxury then go for a automatic transmission car.
Costs: Manual transmission is cheaper than automatic transmission cars. Manual transmissions requires less service, the maintenance cost is also lower than the automatic transmission.
Maintenance: Maintenance costs for automatic transmission is high, whereas the maintenance cost for manual transmission cars is comparatively less. In manual transmission the lubricants needs to be change periodically. But in automatic transmission cars there is no need to replace fluids.
Fuel efficiency: Fuel efficiency for manual based transmission system is lower. The clutch system consumes low energy. Automatic transmission system is based on hydraulic torque converter, it consumes more energy than the clutch system.
Driving skills: In manual transmission system the driver should coordinate with the vehicle speed, clutch and gears. It will take some time to get habituate. In automatic transmission, the driver needs less skill when compared to manual transmission. There is no need of coordination among clutch, vehicle speed and gears. Just needs to operate with accelerator, brake and steering.
Breakdown costs: Automatic transmission system is more complex than the manual transmission system. The breakdown costs for automatic transmission system is higher than the manual transmission system.
Comfort: Manual transmission system needs driver's more concentration to operate the clutch and gears manually. In case of automatic transmission, there is no need to operate clutch and gears. Automatic transmission system is more comfortable as there is no need to change the gears and speed.
Sporty: Manual transmission system needs the coordination between clutch and gears as per vehicle speed. So it will give more sporty thrill than the automatic transmission.
Control: The freedom of changing the gears and controlling the car is in drivers hand in manual transmission. But in case of automatic transmission driving, the decision and the control is made by the hydraulic torque converter.
If you are looking for thrill while driving, fuel efficiency and maintenance cost then better to go for a manual transmission car. If you don't want the pain to change the gears every now and then and looking for comfort and luxury then go for a automatic transmission car.