In rail and road tunnels where passenger comfort is of great concern, good ventilation and aerodynamics are vital. With the rapid development of technology, trains are getting faster and tunnels are getting longer, which makes aerodynamics and thermal effects in tunnels significant and ventilation have a profound effect on tunnel design. Ventilation systems supply varying air flow in vehicle tunnels and metros to meet the changing traffic conditions. These also remain operational during emergency situations.
Generally the features of a good tunnel ventilation include high efficiency, low noise, durability, high reliability, low maintenance, corrosion protection and flameproof motors along with variable speed drive and the potential for reverse flow.
Generally the features of a good tunnel ventilation include high efficiency, low noise, durability, high reliability, low maintenance, corrosion protection and flameproof motors along with variable speed drive and the potential for reverse flow.
- Saccardo jet, injector or extraction enabled longitudinal ventilation.
- Transverse ventilation of road tunnels
- Semi-transverse ventilation of road tunnels
- Jet fans for longitudinal tunnel ventilation
- Skid mounted wet dust extractors to keep dust levels low during tunnel construction
- In house aerodynamics program provides transient pressure, aero dynamic drag predictions and flow velocity for highly complex situations involving multiple tunnels, cross passages, ventilation shafts, underground stations and multiple train movements.
With the use of computer software programs many companies are developing customized solutions for different projects. Simulations enables to produce appropriate, cost effective ventilation system solutions while adhering to fire and safety requirements.
Another type of ventilation system is Channel tunnel ventilation system which contains a set of fans Which are used as ventilation system for the channel tunnel.
Another type of ventilation system is Channel tunnel ventilation system which contains a set of fans Which are used as ventilation system for the channel tunnel.