SMS advertising works for the business in the ways stated below:
1. As an advertising tool to send their ads to different segments of customers
Every business divides their customer into different segments with respect to the product benefits. The segmentation may be based on the gender or age or income or profession.
For example: A business that sells trimmers, will send SMS ads to only male customers and a business which sells perfumes for women, sends SMS to women customers.
2. Low cost advertisement
SMS advertising is less expensive and more beneficial. It is easy to implement. Once the business buys SMS advertising campaign, they can send their ad to many mobile users. In traditional advertising campaigns, business are spending much money to the ad agencies to create and send an ad into the people.
3. To get many audience for the ads
Nowadays having mobile phone is a very common phenomenon among people. Therefore a business can get many audiences for their ads. Online marketing can also generate many audience due to its unlimited reach, but one can get access to those ads only if he is using Internet. Sometimes people do not watch the television ads, in such situations SMS advertising is very helpful for the business. As SMS is a wireless communication solution, it can reach anywhere in the world.
4. As a good customer relationship tool
A business can achieve high customer loyalty by using SMS ads. Apart from ads businesses can also send personalized messages to the customers like birthday wishes, Christmas wishes along with cake offers and new year wishes. By these type of messages the business can build a good relationship with the existing customer.
In all the above ways, a SMS advertising works good for a business.
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