The game is of board category, which means it is played on board, played between two players on opposite sides of board. The board consists of 64 squares, which are of alternating colors ie: 32 dark squares and 32 light squares. Here the each player has 16black/dark or white/lite color pieces. The 16 pieces are 1king, 1queen, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, and 8 pawns.
The goal of a game is to checkmate the other king, it happens only when the king is in a position to be captured and is not able to escape.
How to arrange the board and pieces:
The board is to arrange in such a way that each player has to get white or light color square in the bottom right hand side. The chess pieces are arranged in the following order: the rooks are arranged in the corners of the first row/rank, the knights are next to them, then followed by bishops, then finally the queen and the king. The queen is arranged in same color which means, the white/light color queen in the white box and the black/dark color queen on the black box and the remaining one square in the first row is for king. The entire second row is arranged with the pawns.
How to start a game:
Each time the player with the white pieces always moves first and the players must decide that who will get the white or black pieces, it’s by chance or by luck on flipping the coin or give a chance to guess the color by other player by hiding the two different color pawn in your two hands. Then make the first move of white, follow the black, then again the white and so on till the game ends.
How the chess pieces move:
The six pieces move in six different ways:
King: Here the king is the most important piece but weakest among the different, he can capable to move only one step but in all the directions.
Queen: The queen is the most powerful among the others, he can capable to move in any of direction but does not move through any of her own pieces and cannot capable to jump on from any other piece.
Rooks: The rooks are powerful pieces when they are protecting each other, they move as far as it wants but only forward, backward and on both the sides but won't capable to jump.
Bishops: The bishop may move as far as it wants but only in diagonal directions in which it is in present. When it starts in dark it has to stay in dark till the game finished. They work well together because they are capable to cover each other weaknesses.
Knights: The knights move in different way comparatively to other pieces the move two squares in any directions and then take one more move at 90 degree angle which is like the “L” in shape. These are only pieces that can capable to move/jump over the other pieces.
Pawns: The pawns moves only in forward direction on one square except for the first move where they can move two steps forward, but captures diagonally that too in one step diagonally. If the other piece in front of him he can’t able to move forward. Pawns have other special ability that if any one of them reaches the end of the other side of the board it can become any other chess piece of first row called promotion.
Benefits of playing chess:
Playing chess regularly improves your learning, thinking, analytical power, self-confidence, decision making ability and many more.
The goal of a game is to checkmate the other king, it happens only when the king is in a position to be captured and is not able to escape.
How to arrange the board and pieces:
The board is to arrange in such a way that each player has to get white or light color square in the bottom right hand side. The chess pieces are arranged in the following order: the rooks are arranged in the corners of the first row/rank, the knights are next to them, then followed by bishops, then finally the queen and the king. The queen is arranged in same color which means, the white/light color queen in the white box and the black/dark color queen on the black box and the remaining one square in the first row is for king. The entire second row is arranged with the pawns.
How to start a game:
Each time the player with the white pieces always moves first and the players must decide that who will get the white or black pieces, it’s by chance or by luck on flipping the coin or give a chance to guess the color by other player by hiding the two different color pawn in your two hands. Then make the first move of white, follow the black, then again the white and so on till the game ends.
How the chess pieces move:
The six pieces move in six different ways:
King: Here the king is the most important piece but weakest among the different, he can capable to move only one step but in all the directions.
Queen: The queen is the most powerful among the others, he can capable to move in any of direction but does not move through any of her own pieces and cannot capable to jump on from any other piece.
Rooks: The rooks are powerful pieces when they are protecting each other, they move as far as it wants but only forward, backward and on both the sides but won't capable to jump.
Bishops: The bishop may move as far as it wants but only in diagonal directions in which it is in present. When it starts in dark it has to stay in dark till the game finished. They work well together because they are capable to cover each other weaknesses.
Knights: The knights move in different way comparatively to other pieces the move two squares in any directions and then take one more move at 90 degree angle which is like the “L” in shape. These are only pieces that can capable to move/jump over the other pieces.
Pawns: The pawns moves only in forward direction on one square except for the first move where they can move two steps forward, but captures diagonally that too in one step diagonally. If the other piece in front of him he can’t able to move forward. Pawns have other special ability that if any one of them reaches the end of the other side of the board it can become any other chess piece of first row called promotion.
Benefits of playing chess:
Playing chess regularly improves your learning, thinking, analytical power, self-confidence, decision making ability and many more.
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