Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How to Choose a Mulch for Your Organic/Vegetable Garden?

Mulch is a ground cover to the plants which gives various benefits if you use it for vegetable garden. But, it depends on the type of mulch that you choose for your garden. The type of mulch that you choose for your organic garden will depend on the crop, soil type, weather conditions, etc. So, here we have listed few types of mulch by taking the above measures into consideration. Read through this article and know the type of mulch that suits your vegetable garden.

Based on the type of the crop: Vegetable garden consists of various types of plants and the growing conditions of the each plant varies. Some plants like tomatoes, peppers etc. requires plastic mulch and some cool weather crops require paper mulch, straw etc. So, it is suggested to group the similar types of plants that requires the same type of mulch and perform mulching. If you want to perform the mulching for your entire garden grouping and mulching the similar types is the good idea though it is expensive thought.

Based on weather conditions: The type of the mulch that you choose will also depend on the weather conditions that you are living. For ex, if you are in hot area avoid plastic because, it may burn for more heat and affects the plants. So for such areas, use the cool mulch like shredded leaves. It is recommended to change the type of mulch used for your vegetable garden depending on the weather changes, so that you can protect your plants from various affects.

Based on the type of the soil: Before selecting the mulch check the conditions of the soil, because most of the vegetable gardens doesn't require too much moisture and heavy soil because, they are not able to grow in such conditions. So, better avoid using the mulch that is of thick and moisture-retentive and use plastic. But, if you are growing the plants in the soil that is dry and sandy better use the moisturized mulch.

There are various types of mulch like plastic, straw, shredded leaves, crushed stone, gravel, landscape fabrics etc. Along with this you should also check the factors of the mulch that you are choosing i.e., whether it is cool, hot, water resistant, etc. So, based on the above things you need to select the right type of mulch for your vegetable plants. Right mulch brings several advantages to your plants growth. This is how you need to choose the mulch for your vegetable garden.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Characteristics of Services Brakes and Different Types of Service Brakes Used in Vehicles

Brakes of an automobile play an important role in controlling and protecting the vehicle from unwanted shocks because of bad roads or things/people coming in front while in motion. In this article let us discus the service brakes and their characteristics and also different types of service brakes. First, we will discuss what do service brake mean.

The service brake in an automobile is the primary braking system. These brakes are typically operated by foot. A part from service brakes there are parking and emergency brakes are also used in modern automobile.

Characteristics of service brakes
Most common characteristics of a service brake systems that can be found in modern automobiles are as follows

  • Friction is the most common configuration in a service brakes. one of two components are equipped to create friction
  • Brake shoes or brake pads, these are used in the friction based braking system.
  • Both Brake shoes and brake pads,include a rotating device with a stationary pad and rotating wear surface.
  • In this type of brakes a pump in equipped within the system and uses piston motor to cut off the fuel supply to the vehicle.
  • This process leads to internal pumping losses to the engine, which results in causes braking.
  • In this type of brake, an electric motor is used, which is built-in with the vehicle.
  • This type of braking system used in many hybrid vehicles for regenerative brakes.
  • Some vehicles will have a generator with an internal short circuit called a secondary retarder brake.
Different variety of braking systems are found in a vehicle, depending on its use, size and weight.

Types of service brakes used in vehicles
There are different types of brake systems found in a vehicle. For example, modern passenger cars use an anti-lock brake system, whereas semi-trucks and trailers use an air brake system.

Now lets us discuss about the different types of brakes used in a vehicle. Some of the Types of service brakes are as follows,

Disc brakes
  • It's a friction type braking system.
  • It consists of a brake disc/rotor a brake pad which is fixed to the a device called caliper to slow the rotation of the vehicle’s wheels.
  • Brake pads are pushed against the brake’s rotor with a set of calipers.
Drum brakes
  • It's also one of the types of friction braking system.
  • It consists of brake shoes and brake drums to stop or slow the rotation of the wheel
  • A set of shoes or pads are presses against a brake drum.
Single-circuit Hydraulic Brakes
  • It's a hydraulic type braking system.
  • It consists of a master cylinder fed by a hydraulic brake fluid and connected by a system of brake lines and rubber fittings attached to wheel cylinders.
  • Each wheel has opposing pistons drum brake.
  • Hydraulic pressure is produced to push the piston and these hydraulic pressure forces the brake pads into wheel cylinder.
  • It consists of a system of electronic wires.
  • When a brake pedal is pushed, they measures the electrical resistance and sends signals to the vehicles computer also known as Electronic Control Unit, which calculates the applied force and applies it to the hydraulic pump system.
Anti lock Braking System (ABS)
  • An electrical control unit, hydraulic actuator and individual wheel speed sensors that work together to prevent brakes from locking up when they are “slammed on” by rapidly pumping brakes when a potential “lockup” is detected.
  • Each wheel is controlled individually to maintain traction.
Power brake booster
  • In this system a vacuum power naturally produced in an engine to amplify the force applied by the driver’s foot to stop even heavy vehicles.
Air brakes
  • In this system, air is used instead of hydraulic fluid to activate a standard disc or drum brake.
  • We can see this type of brakes usually in buses, trucks and trailers.
Advanced emergency braking system (AEBS)
  • It's an autonomous safety system that has sensors to monitor a vehicle’s nearness of other vehicles and automatically applies emergency brake to avoid collision
Brake systems, whether it's air, hydraulics or computer, are equipped for safety. These are some of the brakes used in a vehicle.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Natural Looking Water Fountain in Your Garden Landscape

Fountain requires very less maintenance unlike waterfall or fountain and it also adds beauty to your landscape. So are you planning for a fountain in your garden? Then this article will help you in making your garden landscape beautiful with fountain.

Choosing the fountain
There are various types of fountains available, whether it may be for backyard or frontyard. Some of the fountains that you can use for outdoor garden theme or landscape are ceramic planter fountain, stone assembled fountain, plant pots water fountain, etc. They come in various sizes, colors, materials and shapes. Some are made out of natural materials and some are of artificial. If you want to enhance the earthy look of your garden you can go for a stone fountain.

Make it a focal point
Once you purchase the fountain make it as the central piece in your garden landscape to attract the butterflies and birds. Gardens having the focal point enhances the look of the landscape.

Decorate the fountain bed with stones and water plants
Add stones to your fountain bed to give it a natural look. Collect or gather the natural gravel stones of various colors and sizes and gather them around your fountain. Stones give natural appearance if they are placed around the recirculating fountain.

Lighten-up the fountain
Lights make your fountain more beautiful at the night time. Various colors of lights can be placed near the fountain. Water flowing out of the fountain appears in the color which you used for lighting. For your stylish garden lights give smart look.

Benefits of fountain in a garden
Fountains not only adds beauty to your garden, but the soothing sound of the fountain makes stress relief to the people, purifies the air and reduces the air pollution, drinking sources for pets or birds, etc. So, get set your fountain and enjoy its benefits making your landscape beautiful.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Symptoms of Failure of Fuel Injector

What is a fuel injector
Fuel injector is a devise used for supplying fuel into an engine. It has become the primary fuel delivery system used in engines, having replaced carburetors. Fuel is supplied to the injectors through fuel pump. Each fuel injector is fitted on the cylinder head above each cylinder. The injectors are made of good quality material to with stand the high temperature and pressure during combustion process.

Where does fuel injector located
The fuel injector is located in the intake manifold because fuel is sprayed directly at the intake valves. A fuel supply rail connects all the fuel injectors to the fuel supply.

Fuel delivery system
Symptoms of failure of fuel injector
  • Clogging of fuel in fuel injector
    • Clogging of the fuel injector is caused due to, deposits of fuel build-up inside the fuel injector.
    • These deposits block fuel flow to the fuel injector from the fuel pump.
  • Recurring problems of fuel injector
    • Bad condition of fuel injectors are appear to come and go as deposits are redistributed. Fuel injector cleaner are used in fuel tank.
    • These cleaner can remove minor deposits in the fuel injector.
  • Lower fuel mileage
    • Low fuel mileage is one of common symptoms of failure of a bad fuel injector.
    • This is due to improper functioning of fuel injector.
  • RPM seldom alternates
    • Another sign of bad fuel injector is seldom alternating RPM.
    • When the engine begins anyway oscillates between high and low revolutions per minute (RPM), this may be due to poor fuel injector.
    • Leaking of fuel from injector
    • Leaking fuel from the fuel injector is another sign of a faulty fuel injector.
    • Bad condition of the fuel injectors can weaken the fuel injector, which leads to cracks and leakage of fuel.
  • Engine idling problem
    • When you notice that your engine makes strange noises while idling, this is often an indication of a faulty fuel injector.
How to replace a fuel injector
  • First, switch off the engine of your car and locate the fuel injector
  • Then remove the air intake system and other hoses, wires or other parts that are near by the fuel injector.
  • Locate the bolts that hold the injector and remove them.
  • Remove the rail to access the fuel injectors.
  • Remove the fuel injector, the pressure in the system will make a small amount of fuel splash out.
  • Remove the old seal and make sure pieces of it are not stuck in the seat.
  • Use a pick or small screwdriver to remove any residues.
  • Take the new fuel injector and remove the caps and lubricate the seal with motor oil.
  • Install a new fuel injector and place it next to the fuel line.
  • Reconnect all the hoses, wires and other parts.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Alternative Eco-Friendly Green Fuels for Car

Day-by-day environment is getting polluted with release of dangerous gases in to the atmosphere due to which people are looking for eco-friendly products and things to save the environment. Many electronic goods are environmental friendly today. In the same way, cars are also manufactured eco-friendly so that they suit for green fuels which doesn't cause damage to the environment. Here are a few eco-friendly green fuels that you can use for your car.

Ethanol is the greenest fuel and is environmental friendly as it is derived naturally. This fuel can be used as an alternative to petrol as it is less polluting because it won't produce any kind of Sulphur dioxide or lead emissions. In US ethanol is available in two types one is E10 and other is E85. E85 has many advantages like very low air pollution, engine knock is reduced, etc. Almost 10 % of  cars in UK also run on ethanol as it brings great advantages to the environment and the car.

Bio-diesel is nothing but vegetable oil which is alternative diesel for cars that run on gasoline and it is environmental friendly. This oil is produced from recycled grease. It is said that the engines that are running with bio-diesel are long lasting and runs smoothly with less pollution than the gasoline oil. This oil is safe to use as it is bio-degradable and non-toxic and net carbon emission is very less than the petrol.

Natural gas
The cars that run on natural gas use two types of fuel oils, one is CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and the other is LNG (Liquified Natural Gas). Natural gas is a fossil fuel which contains methane mostly. The engines of the natural gas are less resistant to corrosion and they emit less carbon pollutants or compounds in very less amount. It is cheap when compared to the gasoline and is one of the cleanest burning alternative fuel oils. But, the disadvantage is the vehicles that run on natural gas are not available in more models.

LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas)
It is blended from butane and propane. The engines that run with the help of LPG are eco-friendly and are fuel efficient than the non bio-fuel i.e. petrol. The emission of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are less. This fuel is suitable for heavy vehicles.

Related Links:
Fuel pump

Friday, August 22, 2014

Smaller and Greener Electronics

Modern age is looking for the technologies that can be easily handled and that have little or no effect on the environment. Many electronic goods have come up, which has enhanced technologies. For example, personal computers earlier were mainframes which occupied a lot of space. Today, they have been transformed into very small sized ones. Electronic manufacturers are developing smaller and the greener electronics that benefit the users and the environment.

According to sources of Wolkow, he and his team are trying to develop new technologies at atomic scale. He also says that they are trying to make things much better, smaller and cheaper which will limit for 30 years and told that their approach is coming to an end soon. Their final goal is to make ultra-low-power electronics, which is in wide usage today. For developing this kind of technologies, entirely new ways of computing are necessary.

Atomic-scale electronics
Wolkow team of National Institute for Nanotechnology, U of A's physics department are making researches on automatically precise technologies. Some of the researches that they previously undertook is a groundwork for the new basic electronics particularly for ultra-low-power electronics.

This team has created the smallest ever quantum dots, which is a single atom of electron measuring less than one nanometer. Wolkow says, these dots are vessels that confine electronics which are like pockets on a pool of table. Between the dots, there can be space so that the electrons can be in two pockets and also can share the electrons and interact. This development has laid a path for atomic-scale electronics.

New discoveries laid path for superior nanoelectronics
Recently, in a research paper published in physical review letters, post-doctoral fellow Bruno Martins along with Wolkow and his team discusses how the electrical current is passing across the skin of silicon crystal. They also measured the electrical resistance.

According to Wolkow, these silicon crystals are smooth. Some imperfections in each step are one atom high, which made them know the causes for electrical resistance. The ability to record magnitude of resistance laid a path to design nanoelectronic devices.

There is research by Wolkow and his team to give a path for the nanoelectronic devices. They are trying to launch this smaller and greener electronics very soon after the researches completed. These researches have the potentiality to entirely change the world basic electronics.
We can expect smaller and greener electronics coming into the market with the help of researchers such as Wolkow and his team researches.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Making PPC Ads more Effective

To drive direct traffic to your website, pay per click (PPC) can be an effective way of advertisement. PPC also called as cost per click (CPC). When the ad is clicked by a visitor, advertiser will pay to the publisher or the website owner. Now we will see how to make PPC ads more effective.
  • Headline should be clear: Do not waste the space in the headline with some purposeless characters. The headline of the ad is most prominent aspect, so let it carry its weight. There is a 25 character of space to take advantage of ad. You can use it to make as a statement. Use the descriptive headlines that explain your offering product or services. Also, include your company name in the headline of the ad.
  • Remove unnecessary words: We can observe many unnecessary words in PPC ads. There is a limit for the number of characters has to work on an ad. Therefore, the characters are the valuable resources, with that only have to tell the message clearly to the visitors. In PPC ads, some useful information relating to your business or product or service can mention. If you want to drive the phone calls with the PPC, you can give your business phone number in the PPC ad. Give the brand of your business especially it has very less recognition in your industry. Focus on constructing the sentence as a powerful message than with additional promises that every business says. You can even use the location of your business, which will helps to your local customers to find easily.
  • Target the qualified customers: Getting a lot of clicks is not a hard job, but getting the qualified clicks that can become your potential customers is hard. Make sure your ad is likely to target the qualified potential customers and prevent others that they do not need your offer.
  • Landing pages and ads should match: If you create a PPC that directs to a page, which is irrelevant, when visitors click on it will become waste of your resources. It results lower quality scores in the assessment. This means you are paying more and receiving less exposure when compared with higher scores advertisers. If the landing page you kept for directing from the ad is correct and even you are getting lower scores, decrease the keywords in the ad and keep only matched to your landing page.
PPC along with cost per order and cost per impression are used to assess the profitability and cost effectiveness of online marketing campaign. PPC over cost per impression advantage is that it tells about the effectiveness of the ad. To measure the interest and attention, clicks are a way.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Types of contingency clauses in the real estate contracts

A contingency clause defines a condition that has to be met in future to execute the contract. If it is not happened the contract will be canceled, if happened the contract will be remain in force to execute. The contingency should be accepted by both the parties that is, the buyer and the seller of the real estate property. These can be written for any concern and need. The following are the most commonly used contingencies in the real estate buying contracts.
  • Appraisal contingency: If the buyer is taking the loan, needs appraisal. Sometimes the buyer may get low appraisal than expected. In these cases the appraisal contingency will be helpful. The contingency used to write for a certain amount as minimum appraisal amount. If the buyer does not get that amount, the contract will be terminated. The earnest money from the buyer refunded in many cases. If the buyer interested to buy the property, will have the chance to purchase the property within a specific days after the appraisal notice issued. Alternatively, the seller is ready to give for the appraisal amount; the closing process will be started.
  • Mortgage contingency: The mortgage or the financing contingency will give the time to the buyer to get the finance to purchase. While writing the contract, in this contingency some number of days specified for the buyer to obtain finance. If the buyer cannot obtain finance from the lender during this period, the contract will be terminated, or the time can extend if the seller agreed. The buyer can claim his or her earnest money if the financing is unable to secure.
  • Due diligence: The due diligence or the inspection contingency provides the right to have home inspected to the buyer. It should be within a specific time, usually five to seven days. Therefore, the buyer can appoint a home inspector for inspection. Based on the inspection report, buyer can take the purchase decision. If there are any issues found in the inspection, can disapprove or negotiate for the repairs.
  • House sale contingency: If the buyer has a home and he or she needs to sell that one to settle the amount for the new one, this clause is used. In this clause, specific time is allowed to the buyer to sell the existing house. If not sold, the buyer can withdraw from the process without any legal consequences. In these cases, the seller can add the kick out clause in the contract, which allows him to continue market the house to others. If he found a new buyer, seller give specific time to remove the contingency. If the existing buyer is not keep the contract alive, the seller can sell to the new buyer.
While writing a contingency, be cautious with the time factor, because it plays a key role to get the things done. Otherwise you may lose both money and time. An experienced real estate agent can guide you properly along this process.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Reasons for Learning a New Language

Whether you are getting fascinated by a foreign language or considering to take and learn new language for working or schooling, learning a new language offers benefits for life. In this article, we will discuss the reasons for learning a new language and why it should interest and convince you.

Reasons for learning new language

1) Studying abroad
When you are planning to study at a foreign university, school or college, you will need a good knowledge of local language, unless the course you want to take is taught through your medium of language. Probably your institution will provide preparatory courses for improving your language skills and will continue to support throughout your course.

2) Emigration
When you are moving to a different region or country, learning local language will not only help you in communicating and integrating with the local people but also shows your interest and commitment to your new country.

3) Work
When your work involves contacting and speaking to foreigners, you should be able to talk to them in their own language. This also helps you in making sales and negotiate and thus securing contracts. Having knowledge and knowing about the foreign language will be increasing your chances of finding new job, promotions or going on foreign business trips.

4) Travel
When traveling, immersing fully in the country and its culture is a fantastic way to spend a holiday. If you have knowledge of the local language, you can participate in the everyday life of the residents of that country. Nowadays, it is possible to travel to any country but language barrier can be frustrating and dangerous too. So having knowledge about the foreign language will help you in many things from understanding directions to  bartering things when shopping.

5) Religion
Many people learn languages in order to spread their religious message to other countries. While others learn language to in which holy books/scriptures were written for gaining a better understanding. For instance, Christians might learn Hebrew, Biblical Greek and Aramaic; Muslims might learn classical Arabic and Buddhist might learn Sanskrit, etc.

6) Family and friends
If your relatives, in-laws or friends speak different language, having knowledge or learning that language will help you in communicating with them, thus enjoy talking to them. Further, it can also give you a better understanding of their culture.

Whatever the reason be, when you learn a new language, having a clear idea of why you want to learn the language helps you in motivate yourself.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Importance of Title Search

When the ownership of a piece of property changes from a seller to a buyer, the moneylender or the bank must request for a title search. If there are any defects in the title of the property, the title search will reveal them. The title search is designed to protect all the stakeholders involved in the property transaction process. These include the buyer, the mortgage holder, and the bank. It is initiated by the money lending organizations and mandatory.

The main base for the title insurance is to get from the searching for public records. This process usually includes visits to the clerks of the courts, registers of deeds or the offices of records and other officials. In the title search, the title search services companies look in the records or special taxes and levies, street and sewer system assessments, judgments, mortgages and several other matters.

In many jurisdictions, the information about liens against property and information about a piece of property may be filed in different manners. They can be filed by the street address, or by lot number, or under the owner's name or with the seller's name. So, it becomes more cumbersome process. To reduce the burden of title search process, many title services companies have created its own title plants. The title plants contain virtual data and information. It is same as the county records. The title companies, however, make it indexed in a consistent matter like lot number and name. With this title plants, the title searches can perform more accurately and quickly. In most of the major metropolitan areas the title can be searched by the companies and issue the title insurance within twenty four to forty eight hours.

In the early stages of land transfer, title services companies involvement is a good idea. This is because they can solve some property related disputes. For example, the buyer bought a two acres of land. That land was part of five acre tract at once before and it has a deed. In this prior deed to the five acres, the property usage is restricted to the usual out buildings and a single family dwelling. In the original tract of the other three acres already have a single family dwelling. Then there is a question as to whether the new two acres purchaser could build a home in his land. With the assistance from the title services company, from the appropriate parties concern releases were obtained to remove the problem. Then allowed to house to built.

Once a while the title problems may become very serious and it is not proceed with the transaction in most prudent course. For instance, a buyer was about to the close his purchase when title search revealed flood, utility, pipeline and the road easements across property. It would have severely limited his use of the property. The buyer declined to continue with transaction when these findings became known. These problems are uncovered only by the title search.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

PPC and Display Advertising for Auto Dealerships

Digital marketing spending is increasing over the year in many industries from small local to global organizations. In the automotive industry bigger companies like General Motors to the small auto dealerships using at their level and it is giving good results.

Pay per click: Pay per click (PPC) accounts are free to set up. When any click happens on your ad placed online, you need to pay for that click only. This means it is free only up to your ads do not deliver any results.

Pay per click campaigns should be optimized for the targeted key words, and these should be constantly monitored for efficiency. For instance, in a pay per click campaign for an auto dealership, various geographically targeted keywords are used. These will reflect the dealership's models and brands.

Text advertisements generally appear at the top right or on the side of search result pages, and can target the keywords from both specific and general searches. If users are accessing the results on their mobile, the PPC click to call option can provide.

Display advertising: The display advertising is different from PPC. In display advertising, the paid ads are shown on websites depending on a specific theme or keywords or terms that  match content of the hosting website. The display can be video ads, image ads, and text ads.

Contextual advertising: The contextual advertising is a form of display advertising. In this specific websites are targeted based on the website's visitors demographic. Based on the auto dealership's franchises and brands, you or your digital marketing campaigning company (if you outsourced) have to buy ad paces on various websites which are segmented to fit specific automobile buyers.

Contextual advertising is similar to display advertising  is done via videos, animations and banners. As opposed to PPC links and text on the search engine pages, contextual advertising allows to captive the viewers of website with imagery and video, that is specific to those brands and models for the dealerships. With these video, animations, texts, and graphics on the websites geographical targeting is possible.

Behavioral marketing: Behavioral marketing allows the auto dealership or the company to continue to target with videos, text and image ads to the people those who have visited the dealership's website as they surf to other sites on the Internet. It also allows to change the ads and videos in real time to target each individual visitor's level of interest. Thus, when a user visits your website, you can target them with graphic, video and text ads with specific service, credit opportunity or application, or vehicle that they have already shown interest in, or began fill out. For example, an auto shopper visits your website and looks at a new Ford model. When they leave the website, the same ad can display up to 92% of the websites they visit later.

Analytics in digital marketing is easy. Every part of marketing campaign can monitor and analyze. It will help dealerships where they are getting more potential and how to get better results from the campaign.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Maintenance Tips for Cars with Automatic Transmission

Automatic transmission is one of the best features for beginners and for the people who get into trouble  with changing gears and controlling the clutch. It allows the driver to run without using any clutch and gears. Changing of gears in an automatic transmission system will be an automatic activity as per the speed of the vehicle. This is one of the most expensive parts of a car. Therefore, maintenance of automatic transmission is important. In some automatic transmission system longevity influencing factors are controllable and some are not. In this article, we will discuss what we can do for the longevity of automatic transmission system.
  • Maintenance of filters: Filters are one of the important components to stop unrelated material. So maintenance of filters for transmission system is very essential. The transmission filter stops harmful materials from entering the hydraulic system. These can increase cause scoring, wear and sticking of hydraulic control valves. The car's automatic transmission filter have to be changed periodically. The period to change the fluid can be mention in the owner's manual.
  • Flywheel or flexplate: The flexplate or flywheel stays attached to the engine's crankshaft. It serves as a torque converter. These can transmit engine torque to torque converter housing. Generally the flexplate or flywheel does not need regular maintenance. If the ring gear has facing any issue with improper starting or improper alignment the flywheel or ring gear needs to be replaced.
  • Torque converter: The torque converter supplies torque to the transmission's input shaft. It sends in two separate ways as mechanical input and hydraulic input. The transmission fluid in the torque converter may become dry because of its heat. So when it become dry,  need to change the fluid. The problems with the torque converter can be within the torque converter or in the converter clutch. It is a very complex system, so if you find any problems in the torque converter check with the qualified transmission specialist.
  • Transmission pan gaskets and sealing: The leakages in the clutch packs, accumulators and servos will prevent by the internal seals. The leakage of fluid outside will prevent by the external seals. The transmission or transaxle case seals by the oil pan gasket. Rough shifts, slipping, no vehicle movement in reverse or forward, loss of some gear seal are the symptoms of internal seal leakage. Frequent topping-off of the transmission fluid level, burning oil smell from underneath the car, reddish brown spots in your parking or driveway place are the symptoms of  transmission or transaxle oil pan gasket or leaking external seal. If you see any of these problems do not neglect and go to a technician to repair otherwise they will become big.
If the transmission fluid change period is not mention in your owner's manual, change it for 10,000 KM or before it becomes dirty or dark. If any specified fuel in the owner's manual use it, or check with your technician when not mention in the owner's manual.

Conversion of Diesel Vehicle into Vegetable Oil Vehicle

Conversion of diesel vehicle engine into a bio-diesel vehicle is fairly a straightforward process. You can do it yourself if you have the know-how. There many firms to do in the market.
  • Diesel, bio-diesel and vegetable oil differences: People know well about diesel. But when it comes to bio-diesel and vegetable oil as fuel, most people are using this alternatively. It is because, most of the diesel engines can run on some form of vegetable oils, bio-diesel and diesel.
    • Diesel: This is the actual diesel for what the diesel engines designed and available in the gas stations.
    • Bio-diesel: Rather than crude petroleum, it is developed from vegetable oil. It is developed through transesterification process. In this process, the oil chemically reacts with alcohol.
    • Vegetable oil: This is the oil that we use in kitchen. It is commonly derived from hemp, palm, corn, soy and other vegetables.
  • Components: You need individual components or conversion kit to do the job. The basic components are a cable loom, control electronics, a heat exchanger, an electric fuel oil heater, an electric switching unit, a controller and an optional fuel tank. The second fuel tank is required to store an amount of diesel for ignition and the vegetable oil. To switch between tanks, the switching unit is useful. The heat exchanger and heater are useful to increase the temperature of vegetable oil up to a required point for efficient fuel burning.
  • Second tank and fuel conversion kit: If you have the confidence to install the conversion kit do it, do it yourself. Otherwise, let the mechanic do it. The conversion kit contains a second tank, fuel preheater, a heat exchanger, a controller for switching fuels as mentioned above. The second tank contains vegetable oil. Vehicle will start with the diesel. You can switch to vegetable oil once the engine is warm enough. Before the vegetable oil enters into the fuel injector, through the heat exchanger hoses will run into the second tan to heat oil.
  • Vegetable oil: You can get the vegetable oil either purchasing new or acquire from a used form. Some restaurants will give it for free to avoid the charge of disposing and hassle. You have to remove all the food particulars from it using oil filter.
  • Installation process: Most kits available in the market at present are designed for do it yourself. You can understand these easily by seeing. Fix the second fuel tank that contains vegetable oil. Seals and rubber hoses from older vehicles are disreputable after a long time exposure to heated vegetable oil, they will break down. If you find a new set of additional filters hoses and seals, include them in installation. You need to set up a system which pumps waste heat from radiator to vegetable oil or second tank. If the kit do not have it, you need alternative to keep it heat and to run the fuel system smoothly.
Vegetable oil or bio-diesel are more environmental friendly than traditional combustion oils. These are cheaper too. Before conversion of your diesel oil engine into vegetable oil engine, make sure that your vehicle engine supports bio fuel compatible.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fog Driving Safety Tips

Fog is a common natural event in many places in the world. It is like a cloud at ground level. When the temperature is decreased and the air is saturated, the fog will form. Suspended water droplets will form because of invisible water vapor in the condensed air. Sometimes more than one fourth mile is invisible because of fog formation. In this article, we will discuss about some fog driving safety tips
Fuel pump
  • Know about local weather: Generally the fog is formed in the morning and evening when the temperature is less. So knowing about the local weather conditions will help a lot. If possible avoid driving during such time when the fog is making very less visibility.
  • Distance between cars: Maintain proper distance between other cars. It is better to maintain minimum one car distance between your car and the car in front of you. It will help to avoid risks from sudden brakes and chain reaction accidents.
  • Lights: Lights play a crucial role in fog. Different lights will help for different purposes and indications. But almost all the lights are useful in the fog.
    • Fog lights:Headlights are designed to see in the dark. Fog lights are designed for fog. Most of the manufacturers are fixing the fog lights at the factory. Generally these are below the headlights. These are aimed towards the ground and focused towards front as far as possible.
    • Low beam lights: Use the low beam lights when the fog lights are not available.
    • High beam lights: Use the high beam lights when the fog is too heavy.
  • Don't change the speed suddenly: Going slowly is the best option when there is fog. If you want to slow you car speed or increase the car speed, do not do it suddenly. To increase the car speed you should check the front cars speed and then increase the speed. If you want to decrease the speed do it slowly.
  • Reduce distractions in your vehicle: Reduce distractions like mobile phone, eating, etc. While concentrating on them, driving will be neglected. The driver needs to focus more while driving in night fog.
  • Park in a safe place when there is no visibility: When the road is not visible because of fog, take roadside and park with a little distance to the highway. If you park on the road or very near to the road, other vehicle may cause accident to your vehicle. Check with your high beam lights periodically if it is visible. When there is fog turn on your back and front parking lights along with your fog lights. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

All You Need To Know About HVAC Systems

What is HVAC ?
HVAC means Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioner. It is the technology of making indoor environment comfortable. It has three functions - heating, ventilating and air conditioning that are inter-related. It should be installed and operated with components like computing hardware, fire protection, security system, etc.

Operation of HVAC
HVAC is the system that unites different components that cool and heat your home. Dual duty is performed by ventilation system and heat pumps for air conditioning and heating.
  • Air conditioning system: Mostly air conditioning unit is utilized in HVAC systems. This works by removing moisture and heat from the air and throwing the cool and filtered air in to ventilating system. The warm air is cooled by pipes known as evaporator coil. A liquid known as refrigerant is filled in these pipes. Refrigerant converts liquid in to cool gas when taking warm air thereby absorbing heat from air. Finally a fan blows the air through ventilation systems and cools the room with conditioned air.
  • Ventilation system: These systems plays an important role in cooling and heating process. If there is any blocking or any problem in the duct work, functioning of this system is greatly effected. As the entire function is related to these systems, it is important that you check the system to ensure its working condition.
  • Heating systems: Heating systems are similar to air conditioning systems. The air is heated by heating pipes The cool air from indoor is taken away, then warm air is blown. Energy consumed is less when compared to the amount of heat produced by heating systems. Heat produced by heating pipes is thrice the times the energy consumed by it.
Maintenance of HVAC systems
  • If the filter is clogged with dust and appears to be dark, replace them. Filter needs to be changed more frequently if you are having pets.
  • Area around the outdoor units of air conditioners should be kept clean.
  • Checking the pipes that are filled with refrigerant and replacing if it is damaged.
  • A cup of bleach water must be poured frequently in the drain pipes to avoid it getting blocked.
  • Out door units must be checked regularly especially during rainy season and spring season, so that any remains like twigs, leaves, etc can be cleared.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Manual Transmission Cars Vs Automatic Transmission Cars

Manual transmission cars allow the driver to change the gears manually. The driver can change the gears as per the driving speed. While changing the gears the driver has to use clutch pedal. In automatic transmission cars the gears are changed automatically based on vehicle speed. There is no clutch pedal in automatic transmission cars. Clutch plate mechanism is replaced with hydraulic torque converter.

Costs: Manual transmission is cheaper than automatic transmission cars. Manual transmissions requires less service, the maintenance cost is also lower than the automatic transmission.

Maintenance: Maintenance costs for automatic transmission is high, whereas the maintenance cost for manual transmission cars is comparatively less. In manual transmission the lubricants needs to be change periodically. But in automatic transmission cars there is no need to replace fluids.

Fuel efficiency: Fuel efficiency for manual based transmission system is lower. The clutch system consumes low energy. Automatic transmission system is based on hydraulic torque converter, it consumes more energy than the clutch system.

Driving skills: In manual transmission system the driver should coordinate with the vehicle speed, clutch and gears. It will take some time to get habituate. In automatic transmission, the driver needs less skill when compared to manual transmission. There is no need of coordination among clutch, vehicle speed and gears. Just needs to operate with accelerator, brake and steering.

Breakdown costs: Automatic transmission system is more complex than the manual transmission system. The breakdown costs for automatic transmission system is higher than the manual transmission system.

Comfort: Manual transmission system needs driver's more concentration to operate the clutch and gears manually. In case of automatic transmission, there is no need to operate clutch and gears. Automatic transmission system is more comfortable as there is no need to change the gears and speed.

Sporty: Manual transmission system needs the coordination between clutch and gears as per vehicle speed. So it will give more sporty thrill than the automatic transmission.

Control: The freedom of changing the gears and controlling the car is in drivers hand in manual transmission. But in case of automatic transmission driving, the decision and the control is made by the hydraulic torque converter.

If you are looking for thrill while driving, fuel efficiency and maintenance cost then better to go for a manual transmission car. If you don't want the pain to change the gears every now and then and looking for comfort and luxury then go for a automatic transmission car.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to Make a Table Cloth on Your Own?

Table cloths protect table finishes from stains, scratches caused by food items.  It is an essential item for interior decorating as well as for covering the tables. There are a number of options available for decorating your home by selecting different styles and patterns in the market. Even you can make table cloths on your own by purchasing cloths according to your preferences by following steps given:

  • Take the measurements of table surface with the help of a tape and write the dimensions on a piece of paper.  The measurements you have taken should be exact.
  • Find out the length of the fabric you want to hang from the edges of the table. This hanging is nothing but a drop. For informal table dining, drop size ranges from 10 to 12 inches whereas for formal table, the drop reaches floor.
  • Choose the cotton fabric that's at least 54 inches wide or according to the dimensions you have taken. Or you can choose the fabric cotton blended with polyester.
  • Then, lay the fabric on the floor on the reverse up. Mark the dimensions you have taken on the fabric with the help of marker and cut the fabric. Here attention is needed while cutting. If you cut the fabric in a tilting line it looks odd. So, cut in a straight line.
  • Then fold the fabric edge to ½ inch and press that edge under once more.
  • And then hem the edges of the tablecloth. Then stitch with the sewing machine. Your table cloth is ready. 
  • If you want to add any extra touch to your tablecloth then make embroidery or bead works for stylish look.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

What are the Types of Green Roofs?

Green roofs are divided based on depth of planting and the maintenance of the roof. There are two types of green roofs available: extensive and intensive.

Extensive green roofs are suited to roofs (Light weight roof decks, inaccessible roofs, flat or sloping roofs, reducing water run-offs) which bear less capacity of load. Here on these green roofs, only low growing plants can be vegetated. Soil used for extensive green roofs are made of thin layers and not very deep. So, for these reasons we cannot grow larger plants. Drought-tolerant plants are well suitable for planting on these roofs. Even plants such as mosses, succulents, herbs and grasses create pleasant plant vegetation. It requires minimum maintenance because these are designed in self-sustaining community. The size of extensive green roof layer is about 50-150mm or less than 6”. it is easy to install and simple in design. There is no need of irrigation required.

Intensive or active green roofs are suited for roofs which bear more capacity of load. The height of the intensive green roofs can be 150 to 1500 mm or (6” to 12” and greater). These roofs have a deep growing medium that supports a variety of landscape design and wide range of plants and trees. Lawn, shrubs, edible plants, grasses, small deciduous trees and conifers are possible on green roofs. These require irrigation, feeding, and other maintenance because they are labor-intensive. Even walkways, benches, playgrounds or even ponds can be established as additional features on the roof. There are no limitations in design and individuality, but a few things have to be considered. This requires high cost.

What are the Benefits of Green Roofs?

Green roof is a roof of a building that is partially or fully covered with plants over a waterproofing shell. These roofs include additional layers such as a root barrier and drainage and irrigation systems.

There are a number of benefits of green roofs:
  • It increases the roof life because naked roofs are damaged within a few years due to the physical, chemical and biological changes in the environment that causes stress on the roof.
  • It reduces noise levels and acts as a sound insulator. It is helpful for the people who live near the airport that causes too much noise.
  • Used as a thermal insulator.
  • It reduces the indoor temperatures during the summer months through transpiration.
  • It gives a place for insects and plants, used for creating roof gardens, cafes and sporting areas.
  • It gives fresh air.
  • It provides a shelter or habitat for wild bees, butterflies, and beetles to find food. Even some of the rare species can be found on green roofs.
  • It reduces your strain and relieves you from it because the green roofs which you have created are natural.
  • It prevents storm water from flooding.
  • It reduces the temperature of urban heat island effect.
  • It even reduces the dust levels using the method of filtration technique.
  • Enhance the look of the cities.
  • Filters noxious gases.
  • Serves as a commercial purpose, community gardens, and recreational space.
  • You can also get new thoughts in developing green roofs and you can teach these techniques to others for earning.
  • It reduces radiation caused by towers.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Benefits of Eco-friendly Homes

Now a days most people are showing interest in buying houses which are eco-friendly because these houses are constructed using environmentally friendly equipment and procedures. These houses will not only environmentally safe but also protect people as well. There are many benefits of having eco-friendly homes. They include:
  • Eco- friendly homes save energy by using alternative energy sources like solar energy and wind energy for their power needs. We can obtain power by constructing solar panels on your roof. Because these solar panels convert the energy of the sun to the power. And thus you can save electric power bills when compared to electric system.
  • Even you can install wind energy systems in eco-friendly homes to help with your power needs because kinetic energy present in the wind is converted to electricity with a wind turbine that sits on top of a tower.
  • You can have a healthy home that is toxin free because the materials which are used in construction are environmental friendly.
  • Eco-friendly homes are cost-efficient compared to the standard homes because you will save more money in electricity as well as maintenance.
  • Eco-friendly homes are more durable than standard homes due to less repairs and maintenance.
  • Efficient bathing and plumbing fixtures are highly in Eco-friendly homes due to drought-tolerant design in nature.
  • You can make irrigation with advanced water-conserving features with eco-friendly homes so that you can reduce your water consumption.
  • You can save the natural resources because many Eco-friendly homes use natural resources which can be recycled again.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How to Choose the Right Travel Accessories?

Guatemala travel
People travel different places for different reasons like vacation, business, education etc. regardless of the type of the trip where you are going, travel accessories do play a significant role in making any trip more comfortable. You need to plan everything before you are going to purchase accessories.
The following accessories you need to take with you for a hassle free trip.
  • The first and the foremost thing that every traveler needs is a travel bag which is used to store many essential items such as valuables and precious items. It is also a convenient and safe storage for several accessories. These all are suited for all kinds of trips. But no single type of luggage bag is suitable for all types of trips. There are many types of bags are there which suitable for different occasions. The bags are Duffel bag, Back pack, rolling suitcase or a trolley.
  • Rain covers are needed when people go for trekking and camping vacations. If suddenly the rain falls, rain cover will cover the belongings of them.
  • Clothes are necessary when going to travel so choose the clothing color, style which should be matched to all the occasions.
  • Suppose if a business person a normal person going to travel for vacation they need a camera for doing business works, know different geographic locations, for playing and entertainment.
  • Headsets, MP3 players, adapters, batteries, mobile phones, gadgets, Digital camera are all necessary.
  • A first-aid kit also be there in which bandages, scissors, medications, antiseptic sprays, pain killers etc. If you are a patient then don't forget your medications.
  • Toiletries bag which includes tooth paste, detergents, lotions, perfumes, tooth brushes, combs, shaving kit etc.
  • Money belt to keep your money and documents safe.

Books, Pillows, cosmetics, shoes, alarm clocks, torch lights, and sewing kits are all necessary for traveling. So, make sure that you choose the above necessary items for traveling which makes your trip more comfortable and pleasant. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Popular Materials Used for Curtains

Curtain is a piece of cloth used for decorating your home by simply hanging on the windows, doors, walls with the help of hooks and rods. These curtains blocks light, dust, sounds and air coming from outside into the inside of your house. It also provides privacy. The regulation of the light, temperature inside the house depends on the fabric type of the curtain you chooses. The common materials used to make curtains is silk, cotton, wool, linen, synthetics etc,.

Curtains which are made of silk are very expensive because it provides luxurious and classy appearance that no other fabrics gives you. These curtains have the tendency to rot when it is exposed to sunlight.

Curtains made of cotton are inexpensive and versatile fabric. This fabric is suitable for weaving different styles of curtains such as from plainer looks to classy and sophisticated looks. This fabric is best suitable for all kinds of rooms. These curtains are easy to maintain.

Woolen fabrics are also best suitable for curtains. There are many types of wools are there. The price of these woolen curtains depends on the quality of the wool. These curtains also looks good whenever you hang on the wall. The main disadvantage is that it absorbs moisture and is not suitable for humid areas.

Linen curtains are efficient and cheaper than the silk and wool curtains. These curtains can be suitable to hang at every place in your home. There are many styles available in this linen curtains because linen can be woven into both light and heavy weaves. It is easy to maintain but whenever you wash be careful that there is a chance of wrinkling.

Synthetic curtains such as nylon and polyester are excellent choices for decorating homes because they are easy to maintain and do not absorb much moisture. Many people prefer for these curtains because of the toughness and great looks of the fabric.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Memory Techniques:How to Learn Faster And Remember Better

Many people are learning foreign languages because they wanted to see different cultures existing in the world, to communicate with people who stays abroad and also for career opportunities due to globalization of world. However, learning any language is difficulty but it can be made easy via opting some methods.

Any person who are serious about learning new languages, they have to opt better methods in language learning. A person's efficient learning depends on how he aims to learn a foreign language. However there are two techniques for learners in learning a new language.

Class room immersion technique and the self-learning technique are the two types of learning a language. In either of the ways you need equipment for recording and take test by comparing yourself with a native speaker in a foreign language. There are number of equipments available that need to be become a part of the language learning system. But any way if you go through these techniques some persons are unable to remember the words of that language. Below are some of the memory techniques in order to remember the words, vocabulary and phrases of any language to learn faster.

Repetition is one of the effective way of learning language because rereading a word or sentences can make a person to remember fast as well as he can learn that language so easily.

Keyword/Journey System is another approach with a stop for each line. At each stop you can either code the key images or words, or can adopt a technique where you associate each word in the line.

To ensure the words stick in your memory, test yourself on them at regular intervals. If you learn some new words in the morning for example, check that you can still remember them later that day, the next day, a week later and a month later. If you find some words hard to recall, try thinking up different associations for them. You may need to try several different associations before you find one that works.

Like these you can remember the language most effectively.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Get to Know the Benefits of Intensive Farming?

Intensive farming is a method of maximum yield of producing plants or raising animals which relies mostly on the use of technologies like modern ploughing techniques, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers. Intensive farming is practiced widely by many developed economies of the world.

Following are some of the advantages of intensive farming:
  • By intensive farming, it is possible to achieve higher quality crops leading to higher profits.
  • It allows you to produce a larger amount than you would normally because you need only a small space or room to produce the plants or to raise the animals.
  • People can afford the price of food because the cost of producing the crop is less.
  • The same area of land can also be used to store food and fiber for supplying to the larger population reducing the risk of starvation.
  • If you use less space for keeping cattle, you need not to spend extra energy in moving from here to there.
  • The new method of indoor crop technology which controls climate conditions and neutralizes weather hazards, theoretically enabling year-round growth activity introduced the concept of intensive farming.
  • You can also control the flow of production while protecting the high quality of price year-round, ensuring the farmer a stable income flow.
  • In the case of intensive live stock farming, capturing methane emissions from it can be used to generate heat or electrical energy thereby reducing the local fossil fuels.
The preservation of existing areas of woodland and rainforest habitats (and the ecosystems and other sustainable economies that these may harbor), which would need to be felled for extensive farming methods in the same geographical location. This also leads to a reduction in anthropogenic CO2 generation (resulting from removal of the sequestration afforded by woodlands and rainforests).

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Topology in Network Design

In a computer networking, topology refers to physical layout of devices or arrangement of the network, including its nodes and devises. In other words, in a networking how nodes are connected and how these are communicate is also called as network topology. Topology is either physical or logical. Physical topology is the actual geometric layout of workplaces; logical topology refers to the nature of the path signals follow from node to node.

web site monitoring
Some physical topologies or arrangements of nodes in computer networking:
  • Bus topology: All devices are connected with a central cable.
  • Star topology: All devices are connected with central hub. Nodes communicate in network through the help of hub.
  • Ring topology: All devices connected with one another with a closed loop, here each device is connected with two more devises on each side.
  • Token ring: All devices connected with one another with a closed loop, but signals travel in one particle direction only.
  • Mesh topology: Devices are connected with many redundant interconnections between network nodes; here every device has connection with other.
  • Tree topology: Tree topology integrates multiple star topologies onto bus topology.
Topology is important in building a network design in homes or offices. This gives physical arrangement of devices in network workplace. Every topology has its unique advantages.

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wan optimization

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What are the Deficiency Symptoms of Biotin?

Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. Water-soluble vitamins are easily absorbed by the body and secreted through urine. The body stores only the required amount of this vitamin daily and the remaining is excreted through urine. So, you have ti include this vitamin in your daily meals because it is not stored for a longer time.

Biotin plays a key role in promoting normal health of sweat glands, bone marrow, blood cells, nerve tissues, skin, and hair. If you are having enough vitamin B7 in your body then your skin will glow as well as your hair will be healthy.

With enough vitamin B7, skin will glow and hair will be healthy. This vitamin promotes the normal health of sweat glands, bone marrow, gonads, blood cells, nerve tissue, skin, and hair.

The people who are deficient in Biotin have symptoms such as anemia, poor metabolism and growth, depression, developmental delays, elevated cholesterol levels,fatigue, hair loss and thinning hair, hallucinations, heart function impairment, increased number of bacterial and fungal infections due to impaired immunity, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of hair color, loss of hearing, mental retardation, muscle pain, muscle pain, numbness, burning, and tingling in arms, legs, hands, and feet, pallor, red and rashes (around eyes, mouth, nose, and genitals), seizures and other neurological disorders, sore tongue, unusual urinary odor, vision problems, insomnia and many more.

Since Biotin is responsible for many metabolic reactions in the body, there can be number of symptoms of vitamin B7 deficiency. So eat a healthy diet that contains B-complex vitamins to keep you body health and fit.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dairy Farming and the Environment

Dairy farming is a form of agricultural, or an animal husbandry, enterprise, for production of milk for  longer-terms, usually from dairy cows but also from goats, sheep and camels, which may be either tested, pasteurized and processed on-site or transported to a dairy factory for processing and eventual retail sale.

Most of the dairy farms sell the new born male calves for meat, or for breeding depending on quality of the bull calf, as they won't produce any milk.

Dairy farming is very important and essential because it gives us many quality products and creates employment and income for many people. In dairy farming several works are included from cleaning and bathing the cows to grazing of cows. To graze these animals, dairy farmers need to grow the essential pastures in a piece of land so they grow their own fed, typically including corn, and hay. So, this involves several mechanisms like tractor for tilling, planting, watering, and etc. Grown plants are fed directly to the cows, or is stored as silage for winter.

A large man-force is required for this type of farming to do the daily tasks of maintaining the dairy farm. Some positions on the farm would be herdsman, milker, calf feeder, feeder, mechanic, etc. Some support jobs in dairy would be: vet, nutritionist, semen salesman, classifier, feed salesman, research, milk hauler, dairy supply sales, etc. Even it is very important for our dairy industry to be sustainable and liveable.

Farmer's work included are:
  • They start work at 4-4:30 early in the morning.
  • Taking the cows out to the yard in the warmer weather for exercising. And then they clean the stalls where as in colder months, the cows will stay in and they have to clean the stalls around the cows.
  • They take care of the animals by checking bruises, wounds, hooves by just seeing the cow is healthy.
  • Feeding and caring for the young calves.
  • In all seasons they take care of the plants they have grown because these are the main food to animals.
  • Clean the hoses, pipes and connections again.
  • Milking the cows again around 4:00 pm.
  • They will check the milk whether there is any thing wrong and then again they feed the cows in the evening.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Learn Playing Chess

The game is of board category, which means it is played on board, played between two players on opposite sides of board. The board consists of 64 squares, which are of alternating colors ie: 32 dark squares and 32 light squares. Here the each player has 16black/dark or white/lite color pieces. The 16 pieces are 1king, 1queen, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, and 8 pawns.

The goal of a game is to checkmate the other king, it happens only when the king is in a position to be captured and is not able to escape.

How to arrange the board and pieces:
The board is to arrange in such a way that each player has to get white or light color square in the bottom right hand side. The chess pieces are arranged in the following order: the rooks are arranged in the corners of the first row/rank, the knights are next to them, then followed by bishops, then finally the queen and the king. The queen is arranged in same color which means, the white/light color queen in the white box and the black/dark color queen on the black box and the remaining one square in the first row is for king. The entire second row is arranged with the pawns.

How to start a game:
Each time the player with the white pieces always moves first and the players must decide that who will get the white or black pieces, it’s by chance or by luck on flipping the coin or give a chance to guess the color by other player by hiding the two different color pawn in your two hands. Then make the first move of white, follow the black, then again the white and so on till the game ends.

How the chess pieces move:
The six pieces move in six different ways:

King: Here the king is the most important piece but weakest among the different, he can capable to move only one step but in all the directions.

Queen: The queen is the most powerful among the others, he can capable to move in any of direction but does not move through any of her own pieces and cannot capable to jump on from any other piece.

Rooks: The rooks are powerful pieces when they are protecting each other, they move as far as it wants but only forward, backward and on both the sides but won't capable to jump.

Bishops: The bishop may move as far as it wants but only in diagonal directions in which it is in present. When it starts in dark it has to stay in dark till the game finished. They work well together because they are capable to cover each other weaknesses.

Knights: The knights move in different way comparatively to other pieces the move two squares in any directions and then take one more move at 90 degree angle which is like the “L” in shape. These are only pieces that can capable to move/jump over the other pieces.

Pawns: The pawns moves only in forward direction on one square except for the first move where they can move two steps forward, but captures diagonally that too in one step diagonally. If the other piece in front of him he can’t able to move forward. Pawns have other special ability that if any one of them reaches the end of the other side of the board it can become any other chess piece of first row called promotion.

Benefits of playing chess:
Playing chess regularly improves your learning, thinking, analytical power, self-confidence, decision making ability and many more.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Want to Know about Unity Candle Ceremony?

The unity candle ceremony is one of the most common and popular ceremonies over the past ten years. This ceremony is observed after exchange of rings by the bride and groom. In this type of candle ceremony, there would be three candles in all. The candle at center is named as a “unity candle” and a person is employed there to hold it. And the other two candles are placed side by side to the unity candles which are named as taper candles. For the taper candles, holders are employed but their height is less when compared to unity candle holder. Each among the two taper candles is lit by the bride and groom. They may blow out their individual lights or leave them out. These individual lights represent their individuality that they have not lost their individuality. Then at a time unity candle which is kept at a center of the taper candles is blown by both bride and groom symbolizing the united love of the couple, and unifying the families as on. These candles are available in the stores including candelabra that hold the central unity candle higher than the others.

In this unity candle ceremony, families, friends and guests can also be involved to lit the taper candles. In this ceremony, guests can also participate in lighting a candle. Each guests who arrived to the wedding will have a candle. First guest will lit the candle and passes to the next guest. And like this after passing to all guests, the candle will reach to bride and groom and they both light the unity candle at the same time. This procedure will be done by the wedding officiant by pronouncing names of bride and groom and blesses to have same love and unity towards each other.

Know About the Importance of Green Roof

A green roof on a building is partially or fully covered with vegetation. It is also known as eco roof or living roof. It can also be defined as covering roof with plants on a man made building over a water proofing membrane. Green roofs are of two types: Intensive green roof, which are more thicker and can support a variety of plants and require more maintenance as they are heavier. Extensive roofs have a thin growing medium of vegetation and require minimal maintenance and are lighter than intensive roof.

Importance of green roof:
  • Green roofs filter pollutants and carbon dioxide from the air, which reduce the risk of asthma.
  • They provide natural habitat for urban wildlife.
  • They help to insulate the building against sound.
  • Green roofs reduce heat loss and energy consumption in winters.
  • They reduce storm water run off by absorbing rain water.
  • The dust particles and other pollutants that circulate in the air can be trapped in green roofs and stay in a substrate.
  • They provide shade by minimizing urban heat and reduces air conditioning requirements of the building which inturn reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Green roofs absorb heat and carbon dioxide and produces oxygen.
  • Green roofs provide fire protection and also reduce electromagnetic radiation penetration.
  • They create biodiversity and encourage wildlife habitat such as birds, butterflies, etc.
Green roofs come in number of shapes and sizes, they can be installed on new buildings or replaced to existing roofs. Green roof greatly increases the life span of the roof.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is Trading-Psychology Plan Important ?

In trading market vast majority of the traders lose and also many of the traders are extremely successful. Why its happening? And why not all traders are successful? The reason behind these losses are, some traders do not have proper psychological plans before starting to trade. They are not prepared on how and where to enter. They also have no control over the outcome of the decisions they have made.

Hence, we have to know the importance of the trading plan. The plan indicates the important guidelines to the trader. The important indications made by this plan are:
  • you can't trade without a plan, this is very important in trading-psychology
  • the plan should farther define the components in trading-psychology that can be turned into the trading setups
  • the specific trading setups and quantity should match to the trader's personality
In simple words the meaning of trading plan is, a plan that includes a series of steps, that starts where method hangs-up. The main objective of this plan is to take the traders action and give them an honest assessment of the action. A trading plan is a key in making the transition from method to real time. Trading-psychology plan is instrumental in making the transition into trading-psychology and then trading-psychology back to trading method.

Trading method plan:
  • Trading plan methodology:
  • 5 to 20 traders a day
  • makes money in paper
Trader's action:
  • didn't trade
  • attempts to pick out the winning trades and let the losers go
  • learning by watching the market
  • create excuse for not trading
  • anticipate the negative outcomes
  • fear avoidance
Trading plan psychology:
  • accept loosing as part of trading
  • accept possibility of winning
  • implements plan instead of all steps
If you have a great trading plan and method you become a profitable trader. Your plan never works for a long period of time, you need to work hard and develop your plan as per the situation.

Do You Know Where We Exchange Our Currencies?

The foreign-exchange-market is a global, worldwide decentralized financial market for trading currencies. Financial centers are the places which enable trading among different buyers and sellers round the clock. The foreign-exchange-market determines the relative values for different currencies.

Forex is the acronym for foreign exchange. Its also known as FX, here one can buy currency and simultaneously sell another currency. It is the over the counter market. It is the global financial market place, we can buy and sell the currencies easily.

Forex market is the world traded market, trading 24 hours in a day. Foreign-exchange market's one day average turnover is nearly $3.2 trillions. In this market, currency is traded in pairs, like Euro-US dollar (EUR-USD) or US dollar-Japanese Yen (USD-JPY) etc. There is no centralized exchange for forex. All the transaction happen through phone or electronic networks.

Forex trade market is the largest and unique market because,
  • its huge trading volume represents the largest asset class in the world
  • its geographical widespread
  • its continuous operation, 24 hours a day except the weekends
  • variety of factors that effect the exchange rate
  • lower margins and better profits compared to other trade market

Hence, forex market helps in exchange of our currency with various global currencies.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Know the Different Parts of Your Tooth

Teeth are small, bony whitish structure found in the jawbone in many vertebrates. Teeth are helpful in breaking food and are used by humans and animals to bite and chew food.

Crown: This is the top part of the tooth that can be seen. The front part is covered with a sharp white material called enamel made of phosphorus and calcium that protects the tooth.

Enamel: This substance covers the tooth crown and can be seen. This protects the tooth from decay.

Dentin: Below the enamel is dentin, that supports enamel on tooth. It is not as hard as the enamel and contains yellow bone like material. Decay attacks the dentin passing through enamel.

Gumline: It is the part where the teeth and gums meet. If proper brushing and flossing is not taken, plaque and tartar may build up at gumline which leads to gum diseases.

Pulp: This is found in the center of tooth and basically contains nerve tissue and blood vessels that deliver nutrients and the nerves in the teeth send signals to the brain about sensations such as heat, cold or pain.

Cementum: This covers the roots of the tooth and helps to anchor it into the bone. This appears in light yellow color and is softer than either dentin or enamel. Cementum is usually covered by gums and proper dental care should be taken to prevent the exposure of cementum towards plaque and bacteria.

Different jobs are performed by different parts of tooth. They also function in different ways. Teeth are important for chewing the food which makes it easy to digest. Teeth are made up of multiple tissues that vary in density and hardness.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Drugs Worth 5 Million Pounds Seized at Ayrshire Harbor

Everyday one or the other story will be in light about the drug possession and smuggling. The more the cops are concentrated the higher the cases they are able to catch up everyday. It is shocking to imagine the situation when all the seized drugs enter the market and how it will spoil the healths of people.

The UK Border Agency has seized a coal ship on 30th August, and it announced that the ship contained 10 kilos of the drugs and is termed as the biggest cocaine haul ever taken place in Scotland.

The discovery came as narco traffickers increasingly piggybacked on major commercial vessels to get their product from South America to Europe and North America. The herald understands the drug was found on 150,000 tonne ship called Bulk Australia. The 289 ft Liberian registered carrier had arrived at a massive terminal in North Ayrshire and was caught by the authorities.

Not only this there are many cases which are being found every day related to these drug possession and trafficking. People involve in huge drug rackets intentionally drag many innocent people to sell these drugs, by offering them money. Number of people are getting addicted to this deadly drug which shows more adverse effects on one's health since it is highly addictive and is full of chemicals which cause harm to the human system. Strict laws should be implemented even for small drug possessions, which help in controlling the situation.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What Materials are Used to Construct Conservatories?

Construction of a conservatory is the best home improvement project. If you are planning to add a conservatory to your home, then the first thing you need to do is to decide the style or design of the structure. The style of the conservatory should be chosen in such a way that it matches the appearance of your home. Once you determine the style, you need to consider the materials to be used for construction. You have a wide choice of materials for this. Have a look on some of them.

Choosing uPVC is the cheapest and most popular option for building a conservatory. It is ideal for constructing conservatories with modern designs that suit your urban homes. However, traditional and classical styles do not look good with uPVC. Different colors of uPVC can be used to bring elegance to your conservatory.

It is also similar to uPVC. However, it is more stronger and hence, is more expensive. It is mostly preferred to build conservatories where strength is a major issue. It is mostly used along with uPVC for roof structures.

It is the most appropriate material for constructing a conservatory near your older building. However, you can design bespoke conservatories with hardwood. But this includes huge costs. Conservatories made of hardwood need a degree of maintenance, modern paint finishes and stains. Generally, hardwood is available in different stains including mahogany, light oak, etc. The painted finishes for hardwood conservatories include white, cream, brown and green.

Choose the right material based on the design of the conservatory. Also remember to estimate the amount of material depending on the size of the conservatory.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How Useful are Home Drug Testing Kits

World wide the number of the drug abusers are increasing including teens, national survey of drug using ans health explained the percentage of teen drug abusers are also increasing. Teens are spoiling their futures with abusing unhealthy drug abusing habits.

Teens drug abuse is a major challenge to their parents because for protecting them, parents need to monitor their kids regular activities which is not possible all times. Home drug testing kits provide in detecting drug abuse among teenagers. Home drug testing kits are helpful to parents while testing their kids when they suspect their kid of drug abuse.

Advantages of home drug test kits
Easy to test: It is the major benefit of the home drug testing kits, parents can easily test their teens without the help of any technician. Home drug test kits can find drug abuse, if any with a sample of saliva or urine.

Convenient and quicker: These kits are more convenient and its provides quicker drug testing results, these are available in the form of test cards and test cups. These are easy to carry to any where and you get the drug testing results within the minutes with the help of urine or saliva samples. This provides the quicker, accurate and reliable results.

Affordable: Home drug testing are affordable. It is less expensive in conducting the drug testing. They reduce visiting a physician.

Useful to parents: Home drug testing is important to parents as monitoring their kids drug abuse. These drug tests can be conducted in a cheap way using drug test. It is beneficial to parents for finding their kids drug abusing habits in initial stages.

Home drug test kits are important to parents where monitoring their kids is required to protect their future.

Friday, March 23, 2012

EU Gender Ruling in Insurance to Affect UK Insurance Holders

European court of justice (ECJ) prohibits underwriting premiums based on the gender for car insurance, life insurance and pension annuities. This change could come soon into effect in December 2012. The decision of charging premiums to women and men in insurance contracts constitutes discrimination as taking the gender of the insured individual into account.

This means that there would be no longer discrimination for men and women not only in car insurance, but also in life insurance, private medical insurance, pension plans and as well as the cost of buying annuities. This case was brought by the Belgian consumer association, saying that it is becoming difficult to set pricing structure for men and women based on their gender.

The gender ruling on unisex rates for car insurance could mean that insurance premiums for women under the age of 25 could increase by 25% and in some cases 50% for young drivers which could cost an extra £500- £1000, according to the British Insurance Brokers' Association. And the young men under the age of 25 would likely to see premium rates decreasing by an average of 10%, and in some cases 25%.

This gender ruling will affect not only UK insurance holders but also the insurance industry, because if young men premiums are artificially reduced, it could lead to more opting to choose powerful vehicles by men, thus reducing risk for themselves and others.

Moreover, the ECJ decision will also affect the cost of buying annuities. It was a a prevailing belief that women live longer than men, so their pension incomes were smaller than men. But the insurance industry decided to give same smaller pension income for men, bringing benefits in line with those for women. In the early 1990s, annuity rates are already down from around 18% and today it is close to 6%.

Thus the ECJ decision in gender ruling is going to hit UK insurance holders from Dec 21, 2012, in opting their car insurance and pensions.

Know About Workers Compensation Software in Brief

Worker's Compensation Claims management includes medical insurance to employees. Workers compensation is the process of providing wage to the workers if any accident or injury is caused by work related activities, payment is made to family members in the event of accidental death of the worker.

Worker's Compensation Software automates the tasks by reducing paperwork that is done by the staff and enhances the quality of service. An efficient workers compensation software should possess basic and advance features like creating documents and generating reports respectively.

Workers compensation software is designed to automate the claiming process and speeds uhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifp the process. The software also identifies fraud and duplicate claims.

Most of the workers compensation software include an online feature via internet where it provides a search function for the companies to enter claim information and store it in an online database.

If you find claims in multiple states, the workers compensation software must be valid in all those areas. To know the workers compensation software program a vendor who provides training must be chosen to get more information.

A workers compensation software must offer both on site and web based control of the system. In a web based compensation software the provider's computer system hosts on the Internet and you can access it from any computer connected to Internet.