Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Greener Economy Jobs

The global revolution against pollution and pollutants has started prevailing. With many changes on climate and environment, the awareness of green energy is slowly increasing among people. The usage of green energy is slowly picking up globally. At present clean energy is around $55-billion-a-year industry worldwide, and its rapid growth is fueling a shortage of workers in emerging hubs like California’s Bay Area. Clean tech recruiters are looking for people to join these green-collar jobs. These are manual labor jobs within new clean-technology industries that cannot be outsourced. New salaries for some solar manufacturing executives have recently doubled, signaling both the arrival of the clean tech industry and big challenges ahead, according to clean tech recruiters and salary experts. This poses a bigger challenge to the startups striving for talented human resources. The top clean tech jobs are like green brand manager, land use planner, eco-brew master, LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited builder, solar panel installation foreman, guilt-free venture capitalist, etc.

If you are at a take of loosing your job at present or in future because of outsourcing, then clean tech recruiters welcome you to join the green revolution.

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