Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Benefits and Exclusions and Limitations of Personal Accident Insurance

You can be protected from accidental expenditure by this personal accident insurance and it will pay some lump sum amount for injury or death because of accident. Benefits depends on insurance company, there are some general benefits such as:

  • A set of cash sum on death is paid by a simple personal accident policy.
  • It may be cash sum, a monthly income or they may pay a mixture of two.
  • There are some specific payments for specific injuries like total loss of speech, hearing or sight and total loss of or use of hand or foot.
  • Hospital cash can be paid for every day if you are in hospital.
  • Other features are like 24/7 help line, counseling, rehabilitation.
There are some exclusions and limitations: These exclusions and limitation depend on insurance company and some common things are:
  • This insurance policy will pay the compensation, if you have any physical injury due to accident.
  • This policy does not pay for car, property, and animals which are damaged or lost in accident. You are not paid for inconvenience, lost work, injured pride or etc.
Other common exclusions: Disability because of the AIDS/HIV, war, normal pregnancy and childbirth, injury due to suicide attempt, self injury, criminal acts, failing medical advice, having a part in any dangerous or hazardous work, activity, sport or hobby, having military duty, driving by having more alcohol are not allowed by law.

These are some common exclusions and limitations, this information may help you to take the decision in choosing the insurance policy.

Related Links:
Insurance claims software

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