Thursday, October 13, 2011

Know How to Remove Soft and RGP Lenses with Greater Ease

Removing contact lenses is a bit tricky for the beginners and the occasional users. There are different methods which are used to remove different kinds of lenses. In major we have two lenses Soft lenses and Gas permeable lenses. Let us see two different methods for removing these two lenses.

Pinch method to remove soft lenses: Proper washing and cleaning of the hands should be done prior to either applying or removing contacts. After washing, with the help of your left hand pull the lower eyelid downwards and try to look upwards or sideways. Using your finger tip gently slide the lens which is in the center of the eye on to the white part of your eye. After making sure that it has come out, with the help of your thumb and index finger lift the lens off the eye and remove them carefully. Also make sure that you do not have nails for your fingers so that you can save your eyes from scratching.

Finger and thumb method to remove RGP lens: In this method, before removing the lens itself you have to get ready with the other hand to catch the lens. If you are removing the lens from the right eye use your left hand should catch the lens and vice-verse. Bend yourself forward, make your hand in to a cup shape and place it right below your eye with the palm side facing up in order to catch the falling lens. Now place the finger of the other hand at the outer cornea of the eye and drag the skin towards outside. This helps the lens to loose contact with the eye. Now blink your eye and the lens will fall down in the cup shaped hand.

What ever the lens may be, the condition of the mind while removing the lens is so important. Don't do anything in a hurry or don't panic if you have failed for the first time. It is important to be calm and do the process in a smooth way.

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